“ We chant so that at the very beginning that feeling of sanctification comes from inside, with the feeling of surrendering oneself, because nothing can be learned in this world unless you have the humility to learn.”
- Geeta Iyengar
Listen to Prashant Iyengar chants the invocation
yogena cittasya padena vacam
(yo-gay-nuh chih-tah-syuh pah-day-nuh vah-chahm)
malam sarirasya ca vaidyakena
(mah-lahm shah-ree-rah-syuh chuh vy-dyuh-kay-nuh)
yopakarottam pravaram muninam
(yo-pah kar-oh-tahm prah-vah-rahm moo-nee-nahm)
patanjalim pranjaliranato'smi
(pah-than-jah-lim prahn-jah-leer ah-nah-to-smee)
abahu purusakaram
sankha cakrasi dharinam
(shahn-kah chah-krah-see dar-ee-nahm)
sahasra sirasam svetam
(sah-hah-srah sheer-ah-sahm shvay-tahm)
pranamami patanjalim
(prah-nuh-mah-mee pah-tahn-jah-lim)
I bow to the noblest of sages, Patanjali who gave yoga for quietness of mind, grammar for purity of speech and medicine for perfection of the body.
I bow before Patanjali, whose body has a human form, whose hands hold a conch, a disc and a sword, who has got a thousand headed cobra as his crown, O incarnation of Adisheshah, my salutations to thee.