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Vanessa Liu, YogasalaHK, Iyengar Yoga Teacher
Vanessa Liu, YogasalaHK, Iyengar Yoga Teacher


Like most of the people, Vanessa started yoga to improve her health, treat yoga as stretching exercise. Not until she met Iyengar Yoga in 2015, her health began to improve, and most importantly, she felt the comfort and peace of mind after going to classes. This mind, body and spirit connection is not easily felt in other yoga systems. Fortunately and gratefully, she took TTC in 2017 to deepen her understanding and knowledge in this vastness of Iyengar yoga.


Guruji said yoga is for everyone. With a stiff body, she needed to spend more time in her practice and study the asanas. This taught her humbleness and allow her to understand the difficulties students will encounter, so that she is able to share her experience and know how to help the students. 


There’s a saying in spirituality, “the imperfect world is perfect as it is right now”. For Vanessa, the most precious thing about Iyengar yoga is not to achieve the perfect asanas, but it opens doorways to her spiritual and healing journey. Having learnt to develop objective observation and Svadhyaya, she dares to see her real self, both the good and the shadow self.


In yoga sutra, the first restraint of Yama is “Ahimsa”, non-violence. Making money and bringing himsa to the Earth doesn’t resonate with her anymore. After practice, she stopped her online fashion shop. Credits to the inverted asanas, her perception on herself and life has changed a lot. It is truly a transformative journey in all aspects; mentally, physically and spiritually.


Iyengar yoga is a treasure, Guruji touches her heart and transforms her. She wishes to share her experience and continue sharing Guruji’s valuable work and his unconditional love with anyone she comes across.

Yogasala HK Teacher Arnold Ip
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